Some important facts you must know about CORONA PANDEMIC 2019-20


In recent time whole world is pressurized by CORONA VIRUS (COVID.-19) Corona virus first invented in Malaysia in 1960. The word corona comes from a Latin word meaning a circle of light made by the apparent convergence of the streamers of the the Aurora Borealis. In December ,2019 the first case of Corona Virus found in seafood market of Huhan, China. Till now 7 type of coronavirus discovered.

7 people form 1 from heavy fever when they are admitted to local hospital. Then hospital send their blood sample to local lab then to Huhan Institute of Biological National Safety Lab. In this time world fast approach to the deadliest virus.But under the pressure of Chinese government all of scientist remain silent about the virus. This fact first revealed by a Chinese doctor Le Wenliang but Chinese government does not paid any interest to this matter. At last Chinese government broke silent and spoke out about the new born pendmic. The point is noted that many of the people said that Corona is man made it is actually the result of Chinese Government unsuccessful project.

Till 2020 January virus spread out rapidly. Dr. Lee Wenliang tried hard to rescue people from this virus few weeks later he died on this effect of this virus. The true destruction level of the virus found in the month of February.In this time Chinese government first spoke about officially about Coronavirus. In March 2020 WHO declared coronavirus as a Pendmic.

Now that's the time for reaching the virus globally .This virus spreading rapidly international specially in Europe and Africa. Let discuss the destruction of the virus country wise.


In Asia biggest infected area and birth place of the virus birth place is China .Infact the current situation of the virus seemed to be quite under control in China . It is notable that there 15 % patient died whose are 80 year old.The 0.2% people died whoseage is between 10 to 13 year old .According to last information in China we can see about 3947 active cases total 81865+ , death 3335+ and cured about 770370+. It seems that Chinese done a great job to decrease the speed of the virus.


Now comes in India. With the help of Central Government and state government trying hard to control virus and they are enough successful in their work. But the real fear in front of the country one of the largest population and vast area are the one of the biggest fear of its own. .Recently central government of India decided to Lock Down the whole country to prevent COVID-19 .Till now the performance is quite good total confirm cases about 5916+ among them 280+ death.

Afghanistan -
On 24 February Afghanistan confirmed first COVID-19 case . Till now there are total 484+ cases found,among them15 dead .

We find some critical situation among the other country .The country reported first case on 19 February till now total number of affected people about 29406 and death 2234. Accroding to latest data total effected people around 64586+,deaths-3993+ and recovered about 29812+.

n Israel on 21 February first case found .Under one month this number reach 200. According to latest information there are total infected people about 9755+ and dead 79

First case of 'COVID-19' found in japan on 16 January. We find total 4667+ cases among them 94 dead.

The first case in Malaysia found on 24 January. As soon as the highest paid out now total suspected number of case about 4228+ and death 67.

The Neighbours country of India ,Pakistan badly suffering from Corona virus. The first case in the country registered on 26 February. Now the number of cases increase rapidly. According to latest data total infected people about 4414+ and dead about 63+..

It can be clearly tell that the Russia performance against Corona enough good. on 31 January 2 cases are confirmed soon they are recovered .Till now total number of cases about 10131+ and dead 76+ and recovered 698+.

Saudi Arabia
On 27 February Saudi Arabia announced temporary suspension. The first case in Saudi Arabia found on 2nd March . And it spread rapidly .Till now total number of cases around 2932+ and dead 41 .

South Korea

The first confirm case found in South Korea on 20 January.The number increase rapidly and on the 14 March the number was the fourth largest . According to latest news total number of cases about 10423+ and among them dead 204.


The first case in Siya confirm on 22 March. Total infected people around and dead around United Arab EmiratesOn 29 January first case confirmed and first dead on 20 March. Now total infected people around 19 among them 2 dead.


The country first confirm case on 8 march on a patient to travel from Italy and number of people raised. Now total infected people around 13028+ and dead. 295.

Although the first case of Corona virus confirmed on 27 February and the number increased on 16 March by reaching 898 confirm cases. According to updated news this number reach to 5402+and dead 218+.

On 24 January first case found in France. On 14 February President first announced for Lock down the whole country on 14 march there had been 4499 confirm cases this number 12 612 as on 20 March . According to latest news total infected people around 112950 +and dead 10869 .

On 27 January the first case was confirmed Germany .Soon number reached to 113296 and dead about 2349+.

Another worse infected country of Europe. Fast please confirm on 26 February. On 22 March this number increased with 624 15 dead and 19 recovered. According to latest news total infected people around 1884+and dead 83.
On 27 February Netherland fast confirm of this virus. On 9 March this number reach 56.This number turn around 1413 and on 16 March. Now total infected people around 20549+and dead 2248+.

On 31 January 1st 2 cases confirmed in this country. On 17 March 2503 date and 31506 confirmed cases found. According to latest data total infected people around 139422 and dead around 17669 .

The first case of Portugal confirmed on 2 March. Till now total infected cases around 13141+ and dead 380+
In Russia first case confirmed on 31 January. 34 number increased to 840 total number and 2 deads . According to latest information total infected people around 10131+ and dead 76.

On 31 January Spain first confirmed cases on Coronavirus. On 17 March there have been 11826 cases with 1028 recover and 533 date in Spain. According to latest information total infected people around 152446+ and dead 15238+.

First case of Corona virus found on 25 January in Switzerland. This number increased to 11811 confirmed cases , 131 recovered and death 192. According to latest information total infected people around 23,514 and dead 913.

First case of Corona virus was confirmed on 11 March. Total confident case about 3629 recovered people about 26 and death 75. Now the total number about 38226 and dead 812.

On 31 January England confirmed first two cases on Coronavirus. As on 24 March the are confirmed cases and 422 death with 145 recovered people. Now total infected people around 60733+ and dead 7097+.

It can be clearly said that Africa has better condition than other continents. But expert warned about COVID-19 could spreading rapidly in the Africa. In the starting time of spreading virus total infected people around the continent about 6767 recovered people. According to latest data total infected people around 11988 and dead 576 .

Oceania ( Australia)
Like all other continent COVID 19 spreading rapidly in this continent. The first confirm case found on 25 January. As of 1 April 482 4 cases had been reported in Australia. Largest affected place being in New South Wales. 2182 among the infected people 21 dead and 242 successfully recovered.According to latest data total infected people around 6103+,successfully recovered 2813+ and death 51+ people.

North America
In recent time discounted and suffering badly due to to Corona COVID-19. The first case on this continent found in middle of January.

First case on Coronavirus confirmed on 27 January.As of March 28, this has been 7297 +confirmed cases with 479+ recoveries and 67+ dead. According to last news total infected people around 8591 + recovered cases 1252 +and death 101+.
Mexico -The first case of Corona Pandemic was confirmed on 28 February. This number increased to 1 April as 1378 +cases and 37 +death.But the spreading speed of this Pandemic is quite fast in this country. Accroding to current report total infected people around 19438+, and dead 435+.

Most infected country in in North America is USA. The first COVID 19 case confirmed on 15 January. Due to virus March 19,2020 US Department of State has advised US citizen to avoid all international tour. Soon virus confirmed on 50 US states. On 31 March U.S.A has the most confirmed active cases in the world and rank third in number of total death. According to a data total infected people around to 13372 + and recovered 4757+ another data show us 18610+ confirmed cases ,recovered 8474 +and death around 3603+people. According to latest information total infected people aroud 435160 and dead 14797 We hope soon the situation recovered. President Trump established The White House Coronavirus Task Force' to coordinated and observe effort to monitor the current situation. Secretary of HHS Alex Azar was appointed as the leader of task force. On 26 February special. Mike Pence to take charge the national response towards the COVID-19.


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